Blue Cap AG: Change in the Management Board – Tobias Hoffmann-Becking asks for early termination of his Management Board mandate

Munich, 25 August 2023 Blue Cap AG ("Blue Cap") announces that Mr. Tobias Hoffmann-Becking, CEO, has asked the company's Supervisory Board to end his Management Board mandate early for personal reasons. He will still be available to the company for an orderly handover for the benefit of the company. The Supervisory Board has already begun the search for a successor.

“On behalf of the entire Supervisory Board, I would like to express our regret that Tobias Hoffmann-Becking will be resigning from the Management Board. We respect his motives and thank him for his great commitment and the achievements and successes he has rendered for Blue Cap since he became a member of the Management Board in April 2020," comments Kirsten Lange, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of Blue Cap AG, on the personnel change.

The operational development of the Blue Cap and the portfolio and in particular the portfolio management, which is currently in the foreground, is covered and driven forward by Mr. Henning Eschweiler, the COO of Blue Cap. Thus, this important focus is not affected by the personnel.

Hello, my name is Annika Küppers

Investor Relations & Corporate Communications

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